ALIM Web Help

To Export Comments from the Basket

Exporting comments from the Basket allows you to export comments from multiple documents at a time, and save them into a single Excel spreadsheet for entering responses.

Follow these steps to export comments from the Basket.

  1. You can select the documents that you want to export into a single spreadsheet, by doing one of the following:

    Add each document to the Basket, by selecting Add to Basket from the document's Object menu. For example,


    Perform a search for documents and then

    1. Select the documents that you want to add to the Basket from the search results list
    2. From the Actions menu, select Add to Basket
    3. In the Navigation pane, select Basket
    4. From the Actions menu, select Export comments

    A progress dialog appears while the comments are exporting.

  2. When finished, click Close.
    Note: Regardless of whether the export was successful, an email with the subject line: "Comments Tracking Export complete" is sent to you. The content of the email indicates the status of the export, including an attached log file with job queue details. If files were attached to the Comment, then they will also be attached to the email, (multiple files will automatically be compressed into one .zip file).
  3. Save the exported Excel spreadsheet to a location of your choosing.
If you want to enter responses to the exported comments, see To Enter Comment Responses.