CivilStorm 2024 Help

Pump Stations Dialog Box

This dialog allows you to define a pump station by creating a collection of individual pumps.

New Creates a new pump station that uses an automatically created label.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted pump station.
Rename Lets you rename the currently highlighted pump station.
Report Lets you generate a preformatted report that contains the input data associated with the currently highlighted pump station.

The tab section on the right includes the following controls:

Pump List Tab  
New Button Click the New button to add a pump to the collection. When you click this button you are returned to the drawing view and the Select toolbar appears, allowing you to select the desired pump.
Delete Button Click the Delete button to remove the currently highlighted pump from the collection.
Pump This read-only field displays the element ID of the pump.
Label This read-only field displays the label of the pump.
Status (Initial) This field allows you to define whether the pump is initially on or off when the simulation starts.
Pump Definition This field allows you to select the pump definition for the corresponding pump. Click the ellipsis button to open the Pump Definitions manager.
Elevation (On) This field allows you to define the water surface elevation at the immediate upstream node at which the pump turns on.
Elevation (Off) This field allows you to define the water surface elevation at the immediate upstream node at which the pump turns off.
Notes Tab This tab contains a text field that allows you to enter descriptive notes that will be associated with the currently highlighted pump station.