CivilStorm 2024 Help

Merge Nodes in Close Proximity

This dialog allows you to merge together nodes that fall within a specified tolerance of one another.

To access the dialog, right-click one of the nodes to be merged and select the Merge nodes in close proximity command.

The dialog consists of the following controls:

Node to keep: Displays the node that will be retained after the merge operation.

Tolerance: Allows you to define the tolerance for the merge operation. Nodes that fall within this distance from the "Node to keep" will be available in the "Nodes to merge" pane.

Refresh: Refreshes the nodes displayed in the "Nodes to merge" pane. Click this button after making a change to the tolerance value to update the list of nodes available for the merge operation.

Select nodes to merge: Toggle this button on to select the nodes that are selected in the "Nodes to merge" pane in the drawing pane.

Nodes to merge: This pane lists the nodes that fall within the specified tolerance of the "Node to keep". Nodes whose associated boxes are checked will be merged with the Node to keep when the Merge operation is initiated.

Merge: Performs the merge operation using the nodes whose boxes are checked in the "Nodes to merge" list.

Close: Closes the dialog without performing the merge operation.