CivilStorm 2024 Help

Using the Network Connectivity Reviewer

The Network Connectivity Reviewer tool allows you to find disconnected subnetwork elements when developing your model. It allows you to display link direction, trace upstream and trace downstream using link direction, and trace connected elements.

To open the Network Connectivity Reviewer tool, click Tools > More > Network Connectivity Reviewer.

  • Generate Disconnected Subnetworks: Click to build the network and generate disconnected sub networks. The generated subnetworks and the number of links (conduits and channels) are show in the list view.
  • Zoom To And Select Elements: Select a subnetwork in the list and click this button to zoom to and select the elements in the subnetwork. You can also double-click an subnetwork in the list to zoom to it and select the elements.
  • Highlight Disconnected Subnetworks: Click to display adjacent subnetworks in different colors. Disconnected subnetworks with overlapping area and adjacent subnetworks have different colors.
  • Show Link Directions From Link Start Nodes To Stop Nodes: Click to show link direction as indicated by arrows in the drawing view. The link directions are from link start nodes to stop nodes.
  • Trace Upstream Using Link Direction From Link Start Nodes To Stop Nodes: Click to find and display upstream elements from a node or link. For an upstream trace, the flow direction is assumed to be from the link start node to stop node. After a start element is selected, the upstream elements are selected and highlighted in the drawing view.
  • Trace Downstream Using Link Direction From Link Start Nodes To Stop Nodes: Click to find and display downstream elements from a node or link. For a downstream trace, the flow direction is assumed to be from the link start node to stop node. After a start element is selected, the upstream elements are selected and highlighted in the drawing view.
  • Show Connected Elements: Click to find all of the elements in the subnetwork that are connected to the start element. The connected elements in the subnetwork are selected and highlighted on the drawing view.
  • Opens the online help for the Network Connectivity Reviewer.

Single isolated elements are not treated as subnetworks, so they are not shown in the Network Connectivity Reviewer dialog. Single isolated elements can be found by running the Orphaned Nodes search in Network Navigator.

Only the following element types are supported for Trace Upstream, Trace Downstream, and Show Connected Elements operations:
  • Manhole
  • Catchbasin
  • Pressure Junction
  • Transition (Junction Chamber)
  • Cross-section
  • Pump
  • Outfall
  • Pond Outlet Structure
  • Headwall
  • Conduit
  • Channel
  • Pressure Pipe
  • Gutter