CivilStorm 2024 Help

Physical Attributes of Headwalls

The following attributes are used to describe the physical characteristics of a headwall:

  • Inlet Description: Lets you type or select a description for the inlet. Click the ellipsis button (...) to display the Culvert Inlet Coefficient Engineering Library, where you can select an existing culvert.
  • Chart: The inlet chart that this set of coefficients appears on.
  • Nomograph: The culvert nomograph this set of coefficients belongs to.
  • Culvert Equation Form: If the conduit is a culvert, define the nomograph form to use in culvert calculations.
  • Slope Correction Factor: Lets you define the slope correction factor to be used in inlet control calculations. Normally this factor is -0.5, but for mitered inlets HDS No. 5 suggests +0.7.
  • C: Lets you define the C equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation.
  • M: Lets you define the M equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation.
  • K: Lets you define the K equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation.
  • Y: Lets you define the Y equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation.
  • Ke: Lets you define the entrance loss value for the associated conduit.
  • Kr: Lets you define the reverse flow loss value for the associated conduit.