CivilStorm 2024 Help

2D Modeling Tools

The 2D-specific tools have been grouped under the “2D Modeling” ribbon tab.
  • Grid: Use the Grid element to draw a polygon around the area that you want to model in 2D (the "area of interest"). It needs to fall within the terrain model you’ve selected.

    In the Grid properties, provide grid cell size, rotation, and boundary information. Set the values for Defaults (2D) that will be used in the absence of additional data.

    Note: Multiple grids can be added to the drawing, but only one can be “active” in a scenario.
  • Surface Definition (Adjustment Layers): Use this dialog to apply adjustments to the grid based on shapefile data. (Note that shapefile data must be in the same coordinate system.) You can adjust elevations from the underlying terrain model and set Manning’s n, Curve Number and Imperviousness.
    Note: Only polyline and polygon shapefiles are supported. Use Surface Adjustment Elements to make point adjustments.
  • Surface Adjustment Element Layout Tools: The Surface Adjustment elements can be used to manually draw elements (polygons, lines, and points) that further refine your grid properties. Adjustments from these elements will take precedence over adjustments made using shapefiles in the “Surface Definition” dialog.

    The Land Use Area adjustment element can optionally make use of the new “Land Cover Type” catalog and libraries for storing properties for various land use types.

    Most of these 2D surface elements are for adjusting the various aspects of the computational grid. As noted, you will see things like “Road” and “Building” in the ribbon, but those are really just Surface Polygon elements (they will just be assigned a different Type, which you could change later by selecting the element and editing it in the property-grid).
    • Surface Polygon Elements
      • Building
      • Road Area
      • Land Use Area
      • Adjustment Area
      • Void Area
    • Surface Polyline Elements
      • Road Centerline
      • Breakline
    • Surface Point Elements
      • Void Point
      • Spot Elevation
      • Reporting Point
  • Generate Grid (for generating the Computational Grid): Once you’ve defined the terrain, grid “area of interest”, and surface adjustments, use the Generate Grid button to generate (or regenerate) the Computational Grid for use in the calculation.
  • Grid Browser: The Grid Browser is used to visualize 2D computational grid input and results after a run. Once you’ve generated the computational grid, click the Grid Browser tool to review input data. You can customize color coding for each input or result “layer” (e.g. Elevation or Water Depth). The radio button allows you to specify which layer to visualize in the map. The numerical values displayed within the Grid Browser will change accordingly as you mouse over different individual grid cells in the drawing pane.
  • 2D Boundary Conditions: Flow and/or elevation boundary conditions can be applied using the Boundary Line and Boundary Point elements.