CivilStorm 2024 Help


The word "loading" is used in CivilStorm 2024 to describe flow entering the sewer system. Depending on the type of system, available data and level of detail, there are numerous ways of loading CivilStorm 2024 models. Some of the distinctions relate to whether the system is a combined or sanitary system, whether the loads are existing with flow data or proposed loads with only land use descriptions, whether the flow refers to dry weather sanitary flows or wet weather flow.

Note: For more information on loading, see Chapter 6 "Dry weather wastewater flows" and Chapter 7 "Wet weather wastewater flows" in the book Wastewater Collection System Modeling and Design" by Haestad Press.

With the exception of known fixed flows, the loading to the model consists of a table of flow or pattern values vs. time. The generic word "collection" is used to describe inputs to CivilStorm 2024 that are not a single value but are some type of table. For example, you will see Inflow Collections, which are simply a table of inflow vs. time.