CivilStorm 2024 Help

General Tab

Use the General tab to preview a graph before you print it and set up scrolling and zooming for a graph. It includes the following controls:

Print Preview Lets you see the current view of the document as it will be printed and lets you define the print settings, such as selecting a printer to use. Opens the Print Preview dialog box.
Margins Lets you specify margins for your graph. There are four boxes, each corresponding with the top, bottom, left, and right margins, into which you enter a value that you want to use for a margin.
Units Lets you set pixels or percentage as the units for your margins. Percentage is a percentage of the original graph size.
Cursor Lets you specify what your cursor looks like. Select a cursor type from the drop-down list, then click Close to close the TeeChart editor, and the new cursor style displays when the cursor is over the graph.

Zoom Tab

Use the Zoom tab to set up zooming on, magnifying, and reducing the display of a graph. The Zoom tab contains the following controls:

Allow Lets you magnify the graph by clicking and dragging with the mouse.
Animated Lets you set a stepped series of zooms.
Steps Lets you set the number of steps used for successive zooms if you selected the Animated check box.
Pen Lets you set the thickness of the border for the zoom window that surrounds the magnified area when you click and drag. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Pattern The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box" .
Minimum pixels Lets you set the number of pixels that you have to click and drag before the zoom feature is activated.
Direction Lets you zoom in the vertical or horizontal planes only, as well as both planes.
Mouse Button Lets you set the mouse button that you use to click and drag when activating the zoom feature.

Scroll Tab

Use the Scroll tab to set up scrolling and panning across a graph. The Scroll tab contains the following controls:

Allow Scroll Lets you scroll and pan over the graph. Select this check box to turn on scrolling, clear the check box to turn it off.
Mouse Button Lets you set the mouse button that you click to use the scroll feature.