CivilStorm 2024 Help

Operational Events

The Operational Events docking manager provides the user with a quick way to set up operational events such as a power outage or a pipe break.

To open the Operational Events docking manager, click the Events button in the ribbon on the Home tab.

Events Toolbar

New Adds a new event
  • Power Outage - see SCADAConnect Simulator - Power Outages for additional information.
Edit Opens the editor of the selected event.
Isolate Automatically isolate the event (applies to pipe break or pipe shutdown).
Delete Deletes the selected event.
Zoom Zooms to the element(s) associated with the event.
Highlight Highlights the events in the drawing using predefined symbols
Expand All Expands all root nodes (i.e. Power Outages) to show all child events.
Collapse All Collapses all nodes, hiding child events.
Help Opens this help topic.