Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

User Data Extensions Dialog Box

The User Data Extensions dialog box displays a summary of the user data extensions associated with the current model. The dialog box contains a toolbar, a list pane displaying all available CivilStorm element types, and a property editor.

Note that element types that are not used in the current model are marked with an icon:

The toolbar contains the following controls:

Import Lets you merge the user data extensions in a saved User Data Extension XML file (.udx.xml or .xml) into the current model. Importing a User Data Extension XML file will not remove any of the other data extensions defined in your model. User data extensions that have the same name as those already defined in your model will not be imported.
Export to XML Lets you save existing user data extensions for all element types in your model to a User Data Extension XML file (.udx.xml) for use in a different model.
New Lets you create a new user data extension for the currently highlighted element type.
Sharing Lets you share the current user data extension with another element type. When you click this button, the Shared Field Specification dialog box opens. For more information, see "Sharing User Data Extensions Among Element Types"-411.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted user data extension
Rename Lets you rename the display label of the currently highlighted user data extension.
Expand All Expands all of the branches in the hierarchy displayed in the list pane.
Collapse All Collapses all of the branches in the hierarchy displayed in the list pane.

The Property Editor contains the following controls:

Alphabetized Displays the attribute fields in the Property Editor in alphabetical order.
Categorized Displays the attribute fields in the Property Editor in categories. This is the default.

and the following fields, which define your new user data extension:

Attribute Description
Name The unique identifier for the field. The name field in the Property Editor is the name of the column in the data source.
Label The label that will appear next to the field for the user data extension in the Property Editor for the selected element type. This is also the column heading if the data extension is selected to appear in a FlexTable.
Category The section in the Property Editor for the selected element type in which the new field will appear. You can create a new category or use an existing category. For example, you can create a new field for manholes and display it in the Physical section of that element’s Property Editor.
Field Order Index The display order of fields within a particular category in the Property Editor. This order also controls the order of columns in Alternative tables. An entry of 0 means the new field will be displayed first within the specified category.
Field Description The description of the field. This description will appear at the bottom of the Property Editor when the field is selected for an element in your model. You can use this field as a reminder about the purpose of the field.
Alternative Lets you select an existing alternative to extend with the new field.
Referenced By Displays all the element types that are using the field. For example, if you create a field called "Installation Date" and you set it up to be shared, this field will show the element types that share this field. So for example, if you set up a field to be shared by manholes and catch basins, the Referenced By field would show "Manhole, Catch Basin".
Data Type Lets you specify the data type for the user data extension. Click the down arrow in the field then select one of the following data types from the drop-down menu: Integer —Any positive or negative whole number. Real —Any fractional decimal number (for example, 3.14). It can also be unitized with the provided options. Text —Any string (text) value up to 255 characters long. Long Text —Any string (text) up to 65,526 characters long. Date/Time —The current date. The current date appears by default in the format month/day/year. Click the down arrow to change the default date. Boolean —True or False. Enumerated —When you select this data type, an Ellipses button appears in the Default Value field. Click the Ellipses (...) button to display the Enumeration Editor dialog box, where you can add enumerated members and their associated values. For more information, see Enumeration Editor Dialog Box. Real (Formula) —Allows you to define a formula to populate the data value.
Default Value The default value for the user data extension. The default value must consistent with the selected data type. If you chose Enumerated as the data type, click the Ellipses (...) button to display the Enumeration Editor.
Dimension Lets you specify the unit type. Click the drop-down arrow in the field to see a list of all available dimensions. This field is available only when you select Real as the Data Type.
Storage Unit Lets you specify the storage units for the field. Click the drop-down arrow in the field to see a list of all available units; the units listed change depending on the Dimension you select. This field is available only when you select Real as the Data Type.
Numeric Formatter Lets you select a number format for the field. Click the drop-down arrow in the field to see a list of all available number formats; the number formats listed change depending on the Dimension you select. For example, if you select Flow as the Dimension, you can select Flow, Flow - Pressurized Condition, Flow Tolerance, or Unit Load as the Numeric Formatter. This field is available only when you select Real as the Data Type.