Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Element Symbology Manager

The Element Symbology manager allows you to control the way that elements and their associated labels are displayed. The dialog box contains a menu that allows you to select the currently active element symbology definition, a pane that lists each element type, and a toolbar.

Note that element types that are not used in the current model are marked with an icon

The toolbar consists of the following buttons:

  Symbology Definition The menu lists all of the available element symbology definitions. Click the ellipsis (...) button to open the "Symbology Definitions Manager" .
New Opens a submenu containing the following commands: New Annotation —Opens the Annotation Properties dialog box, allowing you to define annotation settings for the highlighted element type. New Color Coding —Opens the Color Coding Properties dialog box, allowing you to define annotation settings for the highlighted element type. Add Folder —Creates a folder under the currently highlighted element type, allowing you to manage the various color coding and annotation settings that are associated with an element. You can turn off all of the symbology settings contained within a folder by clearing the check box next to the folder. When a folder is deleted, all of the symbology settings contained within it are also deleted.
Delete Deletes the currently highlighted Color Coding or Annotation Definition or folder.
Rename Lets you rename the currently highlighted object.
Edit Opens a the Annotation Properties dialog box, allowing you to modify the settings for the highlighted annotation..
Refresh Element Symbology Opens a shortcut menu containing the following options: Refresh Element Symbology - This can be useful if your color-coding and/or annotations are applied to a subset of elements using a query-based selection set. For performance reasons, query-based selection sets are treated as static selection sets by default. Use this option to refresh the query based selection set while refreshing element symbology. Refresh Annotation - If you change an annotation's prefix or suffix in the Property Editor, or directly in the database, selecting this command refreshes the annotation. Update Annotation Offset - If you have adjusted the Initial X or Y offsets, selecting this command resets all annotation X or Y offsets to the currently specified "initial offset" location. Update Annotation Height - If you've adjusted the height multiplier, selecting this command resets all annotation heights multipliers to the currently specified initial height multiplier
Shift Up Moves the currently highlighted object up in the list pane.
Shift Down Moves the currently highlighted object down in the list pane.
Expand All Expands each branch in the tree view pane.
Collapse All Collapses each branch in the tree view pane.
Help Displays online help for the Element Symbology Manager.