Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Save to Package

Save to Package allows the user to compress the currently open model and related files to a single zip file so it can be easily sent to our technical support team for assistance.

The Save to Package button is available on the File tab. The feature saves the core model files (project, drawing, database and profile files) automatically. In addition, you can choose to include the following:

  • application log file, this CivilStorm .log.csv file is located typically in C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Bentley\ folder; it helps our technical support team diagnose problems with the model when errors occur;
  • result files that get generated during calculations; these files tend to be large depending on the number of elements in the model, use caution when including these files; in most situations, they don't need to be included;
  • backup files, they get generated when you save your work over the existing model; if the model becomes corrupt, the backup files may contain an older, working copy of your model;
  • background layer files, are the pictures behind your network, they may be large and are typically not necessary to diagnose problems with the model and don't need to be included.

Once you make your selections and click the OK button in the Save to Package Options dialog you will be prompted to choose the name and location of the zip file. By default, the name of the zip file will be the model name and it will be located next to your model files. Click Save next and the files will get saved to the specified location. Once the compression process is done you will be prompted with a dialog letting you know the full path to the zip file. You can open a Windows Explorer window in the location where you saved the zip file by clicking Yes in the dialog. You can also choose to skip the dialog and always open the Explorer Window at the end of the process by clicking the 'Do not prompt again' check box.