Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Chart Options Dialog Box - Print Tab

Use the Print tab to preview and print your graph. The Print tab contains the following controls and subtabs:

Printer Lets you select the printer you want to use.
Setup Lets you configure the printer you want to use. For example, if the selected printer supports printing on both sides of a page, you might want to turn on this feature.
Print Prints the displayed graph to the selected printer.
Page Tab  
Orientation Lets you set up the horizontal and vertical axes of the graph. Many graphs print better in Landscape orientation because of their width:height ratio.
Zoom Lets you magnify the graph as displayed in the print preview window. Use the scrollbars to inspect the graph if it doesn’t fit within the preview window after you zoom. Changing the zoom does not affect the size of the printed output.
Margins Lets you set up top, bottom, left, and right margins that are used when you print.
Margin Units Lets you set the units used by the Margins controls: percent or hundredths of an inch.
Format Tab  
Print Background When checked, prints the background of the graph.
Quality You do not need to change this setting. The box is cleared by default.
Proportional Lets you change the graph from proportional to non-proportional. When you change this setting, the preview pane is automatically updated to reflect the change. This box is checked by default.
Grayscale Prints the graph in grayscale, converting colors into shades of gray.
Detail Resolution Lets you adjust the detail resolution of the printout. Move the slider to adjust the resolution.
Preview Pane Displays a small preview of the graph printout.