Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Welcome Dialog Box

When you first start the application, the Welcome dialog box appears. The Welcome dialog box contains the following controls:

Learn New Ribbon Interface Opens the online help to the Ribbon Interface - Getting Started topic.
Quick Start Lessons Opens the online help to the Quick Start Lessons Overview topic.
Create New Hydraulic Model Creates a new model. When you click this button, an untitled Bentley model is created.
Open Existing Hydraulic Model Opens an existing model. When you click this button, the Windows Select Hydraulic Model to Open dialog box appears, allowing you to browse to the model to be opened.
Show This Dialog at Start When selected, the Welcome dialog box appears whenever you start the application . Clear this box if you do not want the Welcome dialog box to appear whenever you start the application.


  • Ribbon Navigation (Stand-Alone, AutoCAD): File > Help > Welcome Dialog
  • Menu Navigation (MicroStation, ArcGIS): Help > Welcome Dialog