Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Manipulating Elements

You can manipulate elements in your model in any one of the following ways:

  • Select elements--manually select individual elements, manually select multiple elements, select all elements, or select all elements of a single element type
  • Move elements
  • Delete elements
  • Split pipes

To manually select an element:

Click the element. Selected elements appear in red.

Note: You can change the selection color in the Options dialog box, which is accessible by selecting Home > Tools > Options.

To manually select multiple elements:

Click the first element, then click additional elements while holding down Shift or Ctrl.

To select all elements:

To select all of the elements in your model, select Home > Select > Select All.

To select all elements of the same type:

To select all elements of the same type (for example, all junction chambers), select Home > Select > Select by Element, then click the desired element type.

All elements of the selected type appear in red, including connecting pipes.

To clear selected elements:

Click the Select tool then click any blank space in the drawing pane.


Click Home > Select > Clear Selection.


Press the Esc key.

You can also clear a selected element by clicking a different element.

To move an element in the model:

  1. Click Home > Select.
  2. Select the element(s) you want to move, then drag it to its new location. Pipe connections move with the element.

To delete an element:

Select the element, then press Delete.


Select Home > Select > Delete.