Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Importing From MX

Drainage data can be imported from MX using the File > Import > MX Drainage menu. It can be exported to MX using the File > Export > LandXML menu.

The following requirements must be met when using MX import:

  1. MX must be installed on the computer for the import process to work, but it does not need to be running.
  2. You need to have MX version or later installed.
  3. You can only import data if you are using the 32 bit version of the Storm-Sewer products. If you are using the 64 bit version (by default you will be on a 64 bit operating system) then you will get a message telling you that the functionality is not available. To run the 32 bit version, locate the relevant exe in Windows Explorer, and double click it to start the product. For example, for StormCAD browse to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\StormCAD8" then double click StormCAD.exe.
  4. You can import MX Drainage data to both new and existing projects; however, you can only import to existing projects that contain no elements in the model.

The following tables describe how the MX Drainage data is mapped on import:


  1. Gullies are imported, but they are not connected to the network because the Storm-Sewer products do not currently support saddle connections. Hydraulically, MX Drainage considers flows from subcatchments connected to a gully to be connected to the upstream node of the main drainage pipe. This situation can be modelled in the Storm-Sewer products by selecting the relevant node as the outflow element for the catchment.
  2. An external flow in MX Drainage is imported in to the Storm-Sewer products (as a Known Flow) but the External ToC is not. In the Storm-Sewer products, a Known Flow is considered to be a constant flow, which does not vary with time. If you need to model a flow which does vary with time, then you can either create a catchment and attach it to an inlet, or enter the External CA and External Tc values. These are only available for inlets, not manholes.
  3. Inlet capacities in MX Drainage can be calculated using a rules file. The import process does not automatically create the equivalent data in the Storm-Sewer products, but in many cases you can replicate it yourself - either by using an Inlet Catalog, or by defining an Inflow-Capture Curve.
  4. Headwalls in MX Drainage are imported in to the Storm-Sewer products, but their hydraulic information is not. If the headwall represents an inlet to a culvert, then you can enter the required data as Culvert Inlet Coefficients, or use an appropriate entry from an existing library.
  5. In MX Drainage, if there is a bypass flow from an inlet, then the target inlet for that bypass flow is found (either automatically or manually defined). This information is imported as a gutter element in the Storm-Sewer products, and the gutter shape and dimensions are taken from the inlet where the bypass occurs. Gutter elements are only created if a bypass flow exists. You can force this situation to occur by locking the network, and selecting a larger storm event.


  1. Gully connection pipes and fixture control pipes are not imported.
  2. Offset pipes, and pipes of a constant radius, are modelled in the Storm-Sewer products by the addition of points in the geometry collection.
  3. A Conduit Catalog is created when MX Drainage data is imported, using the information in the pipe library, and the pipes then use the data from this catalog. The Conduit Catalog does not include information from the MX Drainage Open Channel or Culvert Barrel libraries, so the relevant information for these types of conduit is added to the individual conduits.


  1. Transition elements are not imported.
  2. Offset open channels, and open channels of a constant radius, are modelled in the Storm-Sewer products by the addition of points in the geometry collection.

Note: If a subcatchment in MX Drainage uses the Kinematic Wave equation, then this information is imported if the subcatchment is 100 % pervious or impervious. If it isn't, then the resulting Time of Concentration calculated by MX Drainage is imported.