Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help


Lateral-Physical Attributes

Attribute Description
Diameter The diameter of the cross section of the currently highlighted element. To use this field, you must set The Section Type to Circle .
Material The name of the material used. Alternatively, clicking the ellipsis button opens the Material Engineering Library, allowing you to select a pre-defined material. If a pre-defined material is chosen, the roughness value will change accordingly.
Manning’s n The Manning’s roughness of the currently highlighted element. This attribute is active only when the Roughness Type attribute is set to Single Manning’s n .
Set Invert to Start? Sets the start invert of the current element to the elevation of the start node (upstream). Set this to False to enter a value for the elevation of the invert, or set this field to True to use the start-node elevation.
Invert (Start) The start, or upstream, invert of the currently highlighted element. To use this field, you must set Set Invert to Start Node? to False .
Set Invert to Stop? Sets the stop invert of the current element to the elevation of the stop node (downstream). Set this to False to enter a value for the elevation of the invert, or set this field to True to use the stop-node elevation.
Invert (Stop) The stop, or downstream, invert of the currently highlighted element. To use this field, you must set Set Invert to Stop Node to False .
Has User Defined Length? Allows the calculated scaled pipe lengths to be overriden with a user defined value.
Length (Scaled) A pipe length value obtained from the underlying map dimensions.
Length (Unified) Displays the current active length of the link depending on local and global settings.
Slope (Calculated) Calculated slope for the link.