Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Physical Characteristics of Ponds

There are categories of storage elements that can be modeled in CivilStorm CONNECT:

  • Outdoor ponds with a free surface
  • Large underground pipes built solely to store water during storms
  • Wet wells at pumping stations

The first two are modeled as “ponds” in CivilStorm CONNECT. Any of these elements may be used as the suction side of a pump.

The following pond volume options are available:

  • Elevation vs. Area
  • Elevation vs. Volume
  • Underground Pipe Volume
  • Functional

Not all of the physical properties are needed for each method of describing pond (storage element) dimensions.

The type of attribute needed for each type of data entry is summarized in the table below:

Required Pond Attributes

Attribute Elevation-Volume Curve Elevation-Area Curve Volume Function Pipe Volume
Volume Type Required Required Required Required
Elevation (Invert) Required Required Required Required
Depth (Maximum) Required Required Required  
Elevation-Area Curve   Required    
Elevation-Volume Curve Required      
Percent VoidSpace (%) Required Required    
Number of Barrels       Required
Length       Required
Invert (Start)       Required
Invert (Stop)       Required
Pipe Diameter        
Pond Coefficient A     Required  
Pond Exponent B     Required  
Pond Constant C     Required  

For more information on the physical characteristics of ponds, see the following help topics: