Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Bing Map Properties

The Bing Map properties dialog allows you to configure the Bing Map background style, and the map coordinates around the area of interest.

  • Bing Map Key – this field shows the Bing Map key. A key must be specified to make use of Bing Maps. To edit the key, use the […] to the right of the field.
  • Map Style - this choice list allows you to choose between the following three background display styles: Aerial, Aerial with Labels, and Road. The default setting is Road.
  • Control Point - The control point group allows you to define the Latitude and Longitude of the map area you are interested in. Be sure to specify a Latitude/Longitude close to the project site; background map scale will be most accurate around that location.

    Latitude and Longitude are specified in decimal degrees (you may need to convert from Degrees/Minutes/Seconds). When entering a value into the latitude/longitude field, separate the two values with a comma or your local list separator. The values will automatically be parsed. If a value cannot be parsed into a numeric value, that value will be set as 0.0.

    The X, Y fields allow you to assign the desired drawing coordinate with the specified Latitude/Longitude.

Entering Latitude and Longitude

The latitude and longitude fields can accept different formats. These formats are automatically parsed and the latitude and longitude values extracted.

  • Format 1: 45°39'54.2"N 111°03'15.7"W

    This format uses degrees, minutes and seconds along the direction. The two values are separated by a space. The values defined by degrees, minutes and seconds are no spaces between them. The coordinates are converted to decimal degrees. If S is specified for latitude, the decimal degrees is negative. If W is specified for longitude, the decimal degrees is negative.

  • Format 2: 46.0038° N, 112.5348° W

    This format uses a decimal degrees with the degree unit symbol (°) and is comma delimited. If S is specified for latitude, the value is set as negative. If W is specified for longitude, the value is set as negative.

  • Format 3: 46.003799, -112.534798

    This is straight decimal degrees. What you enter is what is parsed. The signs of the values is assumed to be correct.

  • Invalid Format: The existing latitude and longitude is currently 46.003799, -112.534798.

    If a value entered cannot be parsed, then that portion of the coordinate is reset to the original value. For example, if you enter in the value of "46.003799, -abc" then the latitude is parsed as "46.003799" and the value of "-abc" is set as -112.534798, the previous longitude entered.

Bing Maps

Bing Maps is a web mapping service provided by Microsoft® Corporation. You can add a Bing Maps background from the Background Layers docking window. Right-click, or click the New toolbar button and choose Bing Maps.

Providers and Terms of Use

Refer to the Help > About > Legal and Patent Notices to see the terms of use for Bing Maps.