Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Color Coding Properties That Are Not In The List of Field Names

This topic explains how to color code elements by properties that aren’t in the pre-defined list of field names. For example; creating a property (Max full flow)/Capacity and color coding by it.

  1. Open the Conduit Flex Table and copy the columns Max Flow and Full Capacity and paste into Excel.
  2. Create a new column in Excel that calculates Max Flow/Full Capacity.
  3. In CivilStorm , create a new User Data Extension e.g. Conduit Field- 1.
  4. Open FlexTables again and bring the Conduit Field-1 column into the FlexTable.
  5. Now Copy and Paste the Max Flow/Full Capacity column from the Excel spreadsheet into the Conduit Field-1 column.
  6. Close FlexTables.
  7. Now Color Code based on the Conduit Field-1 User Data Extension.