Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Hydraulic Models

All data is stored as a hydraulic model. Model files have the file name extension stsw. You can open more than one model at a time. You can assign a title, date, notes and other identifying information about each model using the Hydraulic Model Properties dialog box. You can have up to five models open at one time.

Starting with the SELECTseries 3 release, SewerGEMS V8i, SewerCAD V8i, CivilStorm V8i and StormCAD V8i all share the same model file format. This means that a *.stsw file created in SewerGEMS V8i can be opened in any of the other three products, and vice versa, without data loss or conversion.

SewerGEMS V8i SELECTseries 3 can also open SewerGEMS (*.swg), SewerCAD (*.swc), CivilStorm (*.csd) and StormCAD (*.stc) model files created in releases prior to V8i SELECTseries 3.

Starting a New Hydraulic Model

  • In Stand-Alone and AutoCAD: Click the New button. An untitled model is opened in the drawing pane.
  • In MicroStation and ArcGIS: To start a new model, select File > New or press Ctrl+N. An untitled model is opened in the drawing pane.

Opening an Existing Hydraulic Model

  • In Stand-Alone and AutoCAD: Click the Open button. A dialog box appears allowing you to browse for the model you want to open.
  • In MicroStation and ArcGIS: To open an existing model, select File > Open or press Ctrl+O. A dialog box appears allowing you to browse for the model you want to open.

Displaying Multiple Models

To switch between multiple open models, click the appropriate tab at the top of the drawing pane. The file name of the Model is displayed on the tab.