Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Gradient Editor Dialog Box

Use the Gradient Editor dialog box to set a blend of two or three colors as the fill. Click OK to apply the selection. The Gradient Editor contains the following controls and tabs:

Format Tab  
Visible Sets whether a gradient displays or not. Select this check box to display a gradient you have set up, clear this check box to hide the gradient.
Direction Sets the direction of the gradient. Vertical causes the gradient to display from top to bottom, Horizontal displays a gradient from right to left, and Backward/Forward diagonal display gradients from the left and right bottom corners to the opposite corner.
Angle Lets you customize the direction of the gradient beyond the Direction selections.
Colors Tab  
Start Lets you set the starting color for your gradient.
Middle Lets you select a middle color for your gradient. The Color Editor opens. Select the No Middle Color check box if you want a two-color gradient.
End Lets you select the final color for your gradient.
Gamma Correction Lets you control the brightness with which the background displays to your screen; select or clear this check box to change the brightness of the background on-screen. This does not affect printed output.
Transparency Lets you set transparency for your gradient, where 100 is completely transparent and 0 is completely opaque.
Options Tab  
Sigma Lets you use the options controls. Select this check box to use the controls in the Options tab.
Sigma Focus Lets you set the location on the chart background of the gradient’s end color.
Sigma Scale Lets you control how much of the gradient’s end color is used by the gradient background.

To access the Gradient Editor dialog box, click Chart Settings in the Graph dialog box, then click the Tools tab. Select the Axis tab and Color Band tool, then click the Gradient button.