Bentley CivilStorm CONNECT Edition Help

Creating a Selection Set from a Selection

You can create a new selection set by selecting elements in your model.

To create a new selection set from a selection:

  1. Select all of the elements you want in the selection set by either drawing a selection box around them or by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each one in turn.
  2. When all of the desired elements are highlighted, right-click and select Create Selection Set.
  3. Type the name of the selection set you want to create, then click OK to create the new selection set. Click Cancel to close the dialog box without creating the selection set.
  4. Alternatively, you can open the Selection Set Manager and click the New button and select Create from Selection. CivilStorm CONNECT prompts you to select one or more elements.

Create Selection Set Dialog Box

This dialog box appears when you create a new selection set. It contains the following field:

New Selection Set Name: Lets you type the name of the new selection set.