Bentley HAMMER CONNECT Edition Help

Gathering Field Measurements

Rather than conventional pressure gages and SCADA systems, high-speed sensors and data logging equipment are needed to accurately track transient events. The pressure transducer should be very sensitive, have a high resolution, and be connected to a high-speed data acquisition unit. It should be connected to the system pipeline with a device to release air, because air can distort the pressure signal transmitted during the transient.

Recording should not begin until all air is released from the pipeline connection and the pressure measurement interval is defined. Typically, at least two measuring locations should be established in the system and the flow-control operation should be closely monitored. The timings of all recording equipment must be synchronized. For valves, the movement of the position indicator is recorded as a function of time. For pumps, rotation or speed is measured over time. For protection devices such as one-way and two-way surge tanks and hydro-pneumatic tanks, the level is measured over time.