OpenUtilities sisHYD

What is New & Changed in OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023?

The following outline identifies new features and enhancements of OpenUtilities sisHYD releases.


  • 2023
  • 2023.0.2


This represents the initial release of OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023. The files formats and projects are compatible and can work interchangeably with Bentley sisHYD V8i.

OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023 licensing works with the SES infrastructure, see here.

The OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023 user can decide the sisHYD product variant (sisHYD Heat, sisHYD Gas or sisHYD Multi) and the maximum number of pipes (1000, 10000 or unlimited).

The configuration of these is done through setting of environment variable SISHYD_FEATURE prior to the start of the application.

It is possible to set the SISHYD_FEATURE variable inside the shortcut like the example below:

"C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenUtilities sisHYD 2023\OpenUtilitiesSisHYD\OpenUtilitiesSisHYD.exe" -wsSISHYD_FEATURE=medium=gas|pipe=1000

Variable Value Meaning
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=gas|pipe=1000 sisHYD Gas max 1000 pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=gas|pipe=10000 sisHYD Gas max 10000 pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=gas|pipe=unlimited sisHYD Gas unlimited pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=heat|pipe=1000 sisHYD Heat max 1000 pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=heat|pipe=10000 sisHYD Heat max 10000 pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=heat|pipe=unlimited sisHYD Heat unlimited pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=multi|pipe=1000 sisHYD Multi max 1000 pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=multi|pipe=10000 sisHYD Multi max 10000 pipes
SISHYD_FEATURE medium=multi|pipe=unlimited sisHYD Multi unlimited pipes

If no SISHYD_FEATURE variable is defined sisHYD will be started as "sisHYD Gas" with a capacity of max 1000 pipes.


The following summarizes the new features and fixes in 2023.0.2 release.
SR Work Item New Change Bug Description
N/A 1306625 1 Add MCal/h unit
N/A 1306842 1 Fix sisHYD 2023 splash screen
N/A 1329205 1 Wrong language configured, needed -ws English parameter
CS0130127 1339638 1 Legend remains blank in printout
CS0163171 1374227 1 Import/Export sisHYD-Archive not working
N/A 1398179 1 Add MicroStation Geospatial Context Workflow options to sisHYD ribbon
CS0211143 1429881 1 Changes to the properties of the drawing template are not applied
CS0207446 1429900 1 Changes in the description of the calculation are not adopted
N/A 1451124 1 sisHYD Legend is not created