sisHYD User Guide

Valve Types

In this dialog valve types can be defined, which are available for the entire network calculation and simplify the production of a network substantially.

  • Type of valve – Name of the type of valve.

Hydraulics Tab

  • Kind of characteristic – In this selection box the kind of characteristic of the type of valve can be specified. The following entries are available:
  • Kind of characteristic – Comment
  • Percentage equal – Input of the KVS value required.
  • Linear – Input of KVS value and KVS/KV0 required.
  • Freely defined – Input of up to 10 bases of the valve characteristic. The input fields KVS and KVS/KV0 are ignored.
  • Check valve – No input of parameters possible. The effect of the parameters on the network calculation is described under Valves.
  • Price categories – Assigns costs for the possible price categories to the valve types. The categories 1 to 6 are available across the application and can be filled according to your own needs.
  • Valve position and coefficient – If the type of characteristic "freely defined" was selected, then up to ten bases can be entered in this field.
  • KVS – Flow with standard conditions (20 °C, 1 bar pressure loss).

✍ The input field is to be filled out for the types of characteristic "linear" and "equal percentage".

  • KVS/KVO – Theoretical positioning requirement. The input field is only to be filled out for the type of characteristic "linear".
  • Characteristic – As soon as the type of characteristic "freely defined" is selected, the valve type receives its hydraulic characteristic with value pairs of position and valve coefficients. At least 2 and a maximum of 10 value pairs are to be entered into the list. Intermediate values are interpolated linearly by the program. The values can be entered unsorted, but must result in a strictly monotonous rising characteristic.

Prices Tab

Assigns costs for the possible price categories to the valve types. The categories

1 to 6 are available across the application and can be filled according to your own needs.

Extra Tab

Under this dialog point, further specifications of the type of valve are possible regarding supplier, order no. and model. These details are only for information and have no influence on network calculation.