sisHYD User Guide

Context menus

Last updated: June 25, 2024

A set of dialogs have "right button menus", also called context or: Popup menus). Unlike the menus visible underneath the window title bars, this kind is opened at the current mouse cursor position, as soon as you press the reset key on the mouse (usually the right mouse button; for left-handed people usually configured as the left mouse button).

Using these right button menus offers the following advantages, like the "edit table" mask already shown:

  • An overloading of the dialog mask with action keys is prevented and the dialog mask does not block the entire screen.
  • The dialog mask remains clear, so it is possible to concentrate on the basic input fields.
  • It is very easy to extend with new actions without adjusting the organization the mask each time sisHYD determines the context menu according to the following rule:
    • If you click with the mouse on a free place on the dialog mask and don’t hit a dialog entry, sisHYD establishes the context menu defined for the dialog and displays it.
    • If you click over a dialog entry, sisHYD establishes the context menu for this dialog entry. If no context menu is defined for this entry and the entry is not a list, it becomes the dialog context menu!

The next illustration shows the context menus of the pipe dialog:

The red lines assign context menus to different dialog entries.

The green line shows the dialog context menu and shows in the dialog a possible release place.

✍ Several context menus cannot be opened in the program at the same time! The representation in the illustration shows the possibilities.