SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Property Editor

The Property Editor is a contextual dialog box that changes depending on the status of other dialog boxes. For example, when a network element is highlighted in the drawing pane, the Property Editor displays the attributes and values associated with that element. When one of the manager dialog boxes is active, the Property Editor displays the properties pertaining to the currently highlighted manager element.

Attributes displayed in the Property Editor are grouped into categories by default. An expanded category can be collapsed by clicking the plus (+) button next to the category heading. A collapsed category can be expanded by clicking the minus (-) button next to the category heading.

Note: The available fields will also change depending on the currently active solver. The currently active solver is determined by the Active Numerical Solver Calculation Option.

When editing data in the property grid you can also double-click the label to change the value. This applies to Boolean fields (those that show true/false values); reference fields (i.e. zone); and enumerated fields (i.e. Status (Initial). When you double-click any of these field types it will "cycle" through the available values in the drop-down list. Commands like "Edit" for reference fields are excluded during the cycling.

You can change the sorting to alphabetical by clicking the Search button and selecting "Arrange Alphabetically".

For the most efficient data entry in Text Box style fields, instead of clicking on the Field, click on the label to the left of the field you want to edit, and start typing. Press Enter to commit the value, then use the Up/Down keyboard arrows to navigate to the next field you want to edit. You can then edit the field data without clicking the label first; when you are finished editing the field data, press the Enter key, and proceed to the next field using the arrow keys, and so on.

Find Element

The top section of the Property Editor contains the Find Element tool. The Find Element tool lets you:

  • Quickly find a recently-created or added element in your model. The Element menu contains a list of the most recently-created and added elements. Click an element in the Element menu to center the drawing pane around that element and highlight it.
  • Find an element in your model by typing the element label or ID in the Element menu then clicking the Find button or pressing Enter. The drawing pane centers around the highlighted element.
  • Find all elements of a certain type by using a percent sign (%) as a wild-card character. For example, if you want to find all of the pumps in your model, you type pmp% (this is not case-sensitive) then click the Find button. The drawing pane centers around and highlights the first instance of a pump in your model, and lists all pumps in your model in the Element menu. Once the Element menu is populated with a list of elements, you can use the Find Next and Find Previous buttons to quickly navigate to the next or previous element in the list.
Note: See the Using the Like Operator topic for more information about wildcard symbols.

The following controls are included:

  Element Type an element label or ID in this field then click the Find button to quickly locate it in your model. The element selected in this menu will be centered in the drawing pane when the Zoom To command is initiated, at the magnification level specified by the Zoom Level menu. The drop-down menu lists recently-created or added elements, elements that are part of a selection set, and that are part of the results from a recent Find operation.
Find Previous This button allows you to find the previous element in the list of results from a recent Find operation.
Find Zooms the drawing pane view to the element typed or selected in the Element menu at the magnification level specified in the Zoom Level menu.
Find Next This button allows you to find the next element in the list of results from a recent Find operation.
Help Displays online help for the Property Editor.
  Zoom Level Allows you to specify the magnification level at which elements are displayed in the drawing pane when the Zoom To command is initiated.
Alphabetic Displays the attribute fields in the Property Editor in alphabetical order.
Categorized Displays the attribute fields in the Property Editor in categories. This is the default.

Related Topics

Property Search

You can search for a specific attribute by typing the name of the attribute into the search box and clicking the Search button


When you have entered one or more search terms, only those properties containing the search term will be displayed in the property editor.

When the box contains search terms the Search button turns to a Clear button

. Click this button to clear the terms from the search box.

To match multiple items, enter the desired list of terms separated by semicolon without spaces in between.

A maximum of 12 search terms are stored in the search box. Click the down arrow to view the last 12 search terms that were used; clicking an entry in this list will make that search term active.