SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Coupling 1D Elements with 2D

  • Simply placing 1D nodes such as outfalls, unbolted manholes, inlets atop a grid will couple the element to exchange flow with the corresponding grid cell. The ponds and rivers are also simulated as 1D elements, thus grid cells intercepted by ponds and rivers are voided (burned-in to the grid). Flow and water elevation information is exchanged by the 1D and 2D engines through automatically generated interfaces. Coupling of a pond (polygon) or river (cross sections and channel links) with the grid becomes more obvious when you perform a Generate Grid.

  • 2D Surface Elevation Matching: A grid cell has its Elevation assigned interpolating its cell center point against the active terrain model. When placing a Catch Basin atop the grid cell the user must chose to have the cell elevation by set to the rim elevation, or vice versa, with the 2D Surface Elevation Matching attribute. For a perched or depressed inlet, select Adjust Grid to Rim.
  • 2D Reporting Point: Add a Reporting Point (2D Modeling tab > Reporting Point) to any location on the grid where you want to generate more detailed 2D output. After you Compute, you can right click -> Graph to view time-series of 2D results (I.e. Plot of depth on grid.) at those points.