SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Grid Adjustment Layer Lookup Table Form

The Lookup Table Form allows you to map values in your shapefile to the adjustment values you would like to apply. For example, if you have a building shapefile that contains values like “one-story,” “two-story” you can use the lookup table to map those to 14’ and 24’ respectively.

You can access the Lookup Table Form from the Grid Adjustment Layers table. Click the […] button in the Lookup Table column.

(Be sure to set Adjustment Mode to Lookup Value (from source) and choose the field that contains your lookup values).

The toolbar above the lookup table has the following buttons:
  • New – Add a new row to the table.
  • Delete – Delete the selected row(s).
  • Refresh Lookup Values – Populates the table with all unique lookup values from your shapefile.
  • Import from Library – Import one or more items from the Land Use library into your lookup table.