StormCAD 2024 Help

Color-Coding Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to define color coding for each element type. The dialog box consists of the following controls:

  • Field Name: Lets you select the attribute by which the color coding is applied.
  • Selection Set: Lets you apply a color coding to a previously defined selection set.
  • Only list fields that apply to the active solver: When this box is checked, the Field Name list will only display those fields that are applicable to the currently active solver. The active solver can be changed in the Calculation Options.
  • Calculate Range: Automatically finds the minimum and maximum values for the selected attribute and enters them in the appropriate Min. and Max fields.
  • Min: Lets you define the minimum value of the attribute to be color coded.
  • Max: Lets you define the maximum value of the attribute to be color coded.
  • Steps: Lets you specify how many rows are created in the color maps table when you click Initialize. When you click Initialize, a number of values equal to the number of Steps are created in the color maps table. The low and high values are set by the Min and Max values you set.
  • Color Map Options: Lets you select whether you want to use color coding, sizing, or both to code and display your elements.
  • Color Map Table: Lets you map colors to value ranges for the attribute being color coded. The following buttons are found along the top of the table: New: Creates a new row in the Color Maps table. Delete: Deletes the currently highlighted row from the Color Maps table. Initialize: Finds the range of values for the specified attribute, divides it into equal ranges based on the number of Steps you have set, and assigns a color to each range. Only values for the elements in the chosen selection set are considered when the range is calculated. Ramp: Generates a gradient range between two colors that you specify. Pick the color for the first and last values in the list, then the application automatically sets intermediate colors for the other values. For example, picking red as the first color and blue as the last color produces varying shades of purple for the other values. Invert: Reverse the order of the colors/sizes used in the Color Map table.
  • Above Range Color: Displays the color that is applied to elements whose value for the specified attribute fall outside the range defined in the color maps table. This selection is available if you choose Color or Color and Size from the Options list.
  • Above Range Size: Displays the size that is applied to elements whose value for the specified attribute fall outside the range defined in the color maps table. This selection is available if you choose Size or Color and Size from the Options list.