StormCAD 2024 Help

Storm Event Wizard - Step 2 (Australia)

Storm Event Profiles - Australia Rainfall and Runoff (2016) Workflow

This wizard page is displayed if you selected an "Australia Rainfall and Runoff (20160)" IDF Storm Group on page 1 of the wizard.

The second step requires the selection of a storm event profile. In the case of the Australia Rainfall and Runoff (2016) workflow, the list of available libraries will contain fixed-time dimensionless curves. Once a storm event profile is selected, the storm event profile column becomes editable.

Once a library is selected, specify the type of storm event to generate. The choices are Time-Intensity and Time-Depth. The default selection is Time-Intensity. If you select Time-Depth, you can then specify whether to generate cumulative or incremental depth curves.

The provided table requires the selection of a storm event profile per duration. Note that in Australia the storm event profile can also differ slightly by return period. There is a different 5-minute duration curve for ARI < 30 Years vs. ARI > 30 years.

You can also select a folder containing a set of rainfall curves. The folder is automatically processed to create one scenario per rainfall curve in the selected folder. All fixed-time dimensionless curves are processed under the selected folder including any child or grandchild folders, etc.