StormCAD 2024 Help

Pump Controls

There are several ways of controlling pump on/off status depending on the active solver. There are three types of controls: on/off, SWMM control statements and GVF pressure control statements and are summarized below and described in more detail in the following paragraphs.

Available Controls by Solver

Solver On/Off SWMM GVF Pressure
Implicit X    
Explicit X X  
GVF-Convex X   X

The GVF-rational solver and steady runs in the GVF-convex solver do not have pump controls because these solvers only perform a steady run only and the initial pump status is all that is needed.

On/Off controls are a property of a given pump based on the hydraulic grade line elevation at the node (usually a wet well) immediately upstream of the pump. These controls will not be used if "Ignore On and Off Elevations" is set to True. If it is set to false, these settings must be specified and the on elevation must be higher than the off elevation.

This type of control setting is the simplest and works with all three solvers than use controls which makes it easy to switch between solvers. However, it cannot consider complicated control actions such as those based on time or flow rates.

On/off controls are stored in the operational alternative.

SWMM control statements can be established for any element when the explicit solver is used. These can handle complex conditions and actions. They are set up under Components > SWMM extensions > Control sets. See the help for [Control Sets Tab and Control Sets Dialog Box] for details on setting up these controls.

GVF pressure control statements apply to pressure elements in a pressure subnetwork and are generally used for controlling pumps. These controls are set in Components > Controls. Like SWMM control statements, they can contain complex conditions and actions. See the help for [Controls and Controls Tab] for details on setting up these controls. When both GVF pressure controls and on/off controls are provided for a pump, the GVF pressure controls have priority in case the two types of controls try to set different pump status.