StormCAD 2024 Help

Select Elements

This dialog allows you to select the elements that will be sync'ed during a ModelBuilder Sync-In operation. You can either:

  • Use current selection: This option will sync only those elements that are currently selected in the map view.
  • Use selection set: This option will sync only those elements contained within a previously created selection set. Choose the selection set and click OK.


  • If the selected elements are updated in the GIS, those updates will be imported.
  • If new elements are added to the GIS, doing an import with the selection set will NOT bring in those elements.
  • If elements are deleted in the GIS and they are selected in the model (assuming the delete from model option is turned on), they will be deleted.
  • If elements are deleted in the GIS and they are not selected in the model, those deletions will not be done in the model.
  • Although existing snapshots can be used for bringing in only elements that have changed, no new snapshot will be created when importing using a selection set.