StormCAD 2024 Help

Annotation Table Options

This dialog allows you to define the settings for the profile annotation table options.

The dialog consist fo the following controls:

New Creates a new Annotation Table field element.
Delete Delete the selected Annotation Table field element.
Rename Rename the label of the selected Annotation Table Field Element.
Shift Up Shifts the selected element up in the list
Shift Down Shifts the selected element down in the list.
Label Checkboxes The check box with the label indicates the visibility of the corresponding field in the Annotation Table. If the check box is unchecked for a particular field, the field will not be visible in the Annotation Table of the Engineering Profile.
Field Label The Field Name menu allows the user to selected the particular field of Pipe or Node element.
Field Name The Field label is used as the Row Label in the Annotation Table of the Engineering Profile. You are free to assign any Label to the field element. The special unit formatter is supported here (%u), allowing you to display the unit of the field in the label. For a Single Field (i.e Pipe - Flow), %u can be used to display the unit of that particular field. For a Combined Field (i.e Pipe - Invert (Start)\Invert (Stop)), %u1 is used for the first field and %u2 is used for the second field.
Row Height Factor The Row Height factor applied to the height of the field in the Annotation Table when displaying it in the engineering profile.
Is Vertical The Is Vertical check box defines where the annotation text should appear vertically (if checked) or horizontally (if unchecked) in the Annotation Table.