StormCAD 2024 Help

Export to Excel

To export to Excel, select File > Export > Export to Excel once the desired scenario and time-steps have been selected.

The following dialog opens with the defaults set so that all elements and properties are included in the spreadsheet.

Specify Properties for Export

The top left pane is a summary of this element types are to be included in the spreadsheet. If a box by the element type is checked, that element type is included. The Table/Properties column reflects the selections on the right side of the dialog in terms of which elements and properties are included.

Specify Hydraulic Model Elements to Export

The bottom left portion of the dialog is used to identify which elements are to be included in the spreadsheet. This can be specified individually for each element type.

If the "Publish a subset of elements based on the Flex Table filters" box is checked, only those elements that are in the filtered flex table will be included in the spreadsheet.

If the "Exclude topologically inactive elements" box is checked, only active elements (Is active? = True) are included in the spreadsheet.

The user will usually not need to include all element properties in the spreadsheet. The right side of the dialog is to identify which properties of the elements are going to be included in the spreadsheet. The default is "all properties". If the user wants to only include a subset of properties, the user should create a flex table with only those properties and select that flex table from the drop down list. Because it is possible to have multiple flex tables with the same name (e.g. Pipe Table can be a predefined table or a Hydraulic Model table), the user can explicitly state the table path (e.g. Tables - Predefined or Tables - Hydraulic Model). If the flex table is filtered, the filter is displayed in the Filter box and in the left pane, the Is Filtered column is set to True for that element type.

The Properties box on the right side of the dialog shows the properties that are imported for that element type.

Specify Result Time Steps for Export

This section provides options on what time steps to export to Excel. By default, the time step mode is set to <All>. This will include all time steps for the active scenario when exporting.

Constant provides the user an option of entering a constant time step when exporting. If the output increment uses 0.1 hours, the user can set a constant time step of 1.0 hours and only export time steps that are multiple of 1.0 hours. This will exclude all other time steps. As a result, this will reduce the number of time steps exported.

Variable provides a way to further filter the time steps. The provided […] button opens a dialog where the settings can be specified. For further details, see <link to variable time steps help topic>.


When all settings are established for all element types, the user picks OK.

After clicking OK, a dialog opens allowing you to choose whether to export the flextables directly to Excel (.xlsx) or to .csv. If you choose direct Excel export, click the '...' button to choose the path to export the .xlsx file to. If you choose to export to .csv, click the '...' button to choose the folder where the multiple .csv files will be placed (one per element type).

Note: Excel 2007 or later is required for direct .xlsx export.