StormCAD 2024 Help

What is StormCAD 2024 Edition?

StormCAD 2024 is the first and only fully-dynamic, multi-platform (GIS, CAD, and Stand-Alone) sanitary and combined sewer modeling solution. With StormCAD 2024, you will analyze all sanitary and combined sewer system elements in one package and have the option of performing the analyses with the SWMM algorithm or our own implicit solution of the full Saint Venant equations.

Simply put, StormCAD 2024 offers the most comprehensive solution available for optimizing Best Management Practice (BMP) designs and meeting sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) and combined sewer overflow (CSO) regulations.

With StormCAD 2024, you can:

  • Develop system master plans
  • Assess the impact of inflow and infiltration on SSOs
  • Develop SSO and CSO remediation programs
  • Perform system evaluations associated with US EPA CMOM and NPDES
  • Optimize lift station and system storage capacities
  • Determine developer connection fees
  • Implement real-time control strategies
  • Model relief sewers, overflow diversions, and inverted siphons
  • Accurately simulate operations with variable-speed pumping and logical controls
  • Simulate out-of-service or proposed sewers within the same model