WaterCAD 2024 Help

Image Properties

This dialog box opens when you are adding or editing a background-layer image other than a .dxf or .shp.

Image Filter Displays background images that you resize. Set this to Point , Bilinear , or Trilinear . These are methods of displaying your image on-screen. Use Point when the size of the image in the display, for example,a 500 x 500 pixel image at 100% is the same 500 x 500 pixels on-screen. Use Bilinear or Trilinear when you display your image on-screen using more or fewer pixels than your image contains, for example a 500 x 500 pixel image stretched to 800 x 800 pixels on-screen. Trilinear gives you smoother transitions when you zoom in and out of the image.
Transparency Set the transparency level of the background layer. You can add transparency to any image type you use as a background and it will ignore any transparency that exists in the image before you use it as a background.
Resolution Select the clarity for images that are being used as background images.
Unit Select the unit that should be used.
Use Compression If you check this option you can compress the image in memory so that it takes up less RAM. When checked there may be a slight color distortion in the image.
Note: The way the image is compressed depends on your computer’s video card. Not all video cards support this feature. If you check this option but your computer’s video card does not support image compression, the request for compression will be ignored and the image will be loaded uncompressed.
Optional Image Loading Mode Optimal image loading mode takes advantage of modern graphics cars which support OpenGL 3.0 or greater. This mode will deliver faster performance and consume less system memory while loading raster image background files.
For systems which do not support OpenGL 3, we recommend turning this option off. This may often be the case in virtual machine enviroments.

Note: Optimal image loading mode has an image size constraint due to the capacity of the graphics cards texture memory. Most modern graphics card can support images with a dimension up to 8,000 pixels, some newer cards have a larger capacity. If we detect the image is larger than the texture memory constraint, we will load the image using compatibility mode which will result in degraded performance. For peak performance, we recommend splitting up images larger that 8,000 pixels into multiple smaller tiles and loading them individually.

Image Position Table Position the background layer with respect to your drawing. X/Y Image displays the size of the image you are using for a background and sets its position with respect to the origin of your drawing. You cannot change this data. X/Y Drawing displays where the corners of the image your are using will be positioned relative to your drawing. By default, no scaling is used. However, you can scale the image you are using by setting different locations for the corners of the image you are importing. The locations you set are relative to the origin of your WaterCAD 2024 drawing.