WaterCAD 2024 Help

Power Meters

This dialog allows you to associates pumps and pump stations with the power meter serving them.

The dialog consists of a list pane on the left that displays all of the power meters associated with the hydraulic model and a tabbed section on the right that allows you to assign pumps and other energy costs to the power meter(s).

New: Creates a new power meter.

Delete: Removes currently selected power meter.

Duplicate: Creates a copy of the currently selected power meter.

Rename: Enter a new name for the currently selected power meter.

After creating a power meter, click Select From Drawing

to assign a pump/pump station to it in the Pumps Tab. Click Delete

to remove the currently highlighted pump from the list. Click Select In Drawing

to select the pump in the drawing view.

The Non-Pumping Energy tab allows you to specify additional energy costs. Enter a base power usage value and then assign a pattern that will be applied to it.

You can enter informational notes in the Notes tab.