WaterCAD 2024 Help

Moving Data and Images Between Model(s) and other Files

WaterCAD 2024 offers numerous ways of moving data and images between models and to/from models and external files. Selecting the best approach can make the process easy. An overview of the different approaches and their suitability for various tasks is presented below. Each of these items is covered in greater detail elsewhere in the documentation.

  1. Copy/paste: This is the easiest way to move tabular data to and from models. Simply highlight the data to be copied (or an entire table). Select Copy or CTRL-C. Move to where the data are to be placed. Select Paste or CTRL-V.
  2. ModelBuilder (see Using ModelBuilder To Transfer Existing Data): This is best for moving data from GIS/CAD/database/spreadsheet sources to and from the model. Importing to the model is called "Synching in" (Build Model) and exporting from the model is called "Synching out". To move data between models, first copy out to an intermediate file (e.g. shape file for element data, spreadsheet for component data). Two overall types of data can be moved to and from the model.
    1. Element data consists of the actual pipes, nodes, etc that make up the model. ModelBuilder preserves the correct x-y coordinates and properties of the elements. This is useful for GIS/CAD data.
      • Component data and collections (e.g. pump definitions, patterns, unit demands) do not have spatial coordinates. These are written to a spreadsheet/database file and then imported into another model.
  3. Import/Export Submodels (see Importing and Exporting Submodel Files): This is used to create new models from subsets of another model, or to merge one model into another, or to create a new model from multiple existing models.
  4. Libraries (see Engineering Libraries): These files can also be used to store component data (e.g. pump definitions, patterns) for use by other models. These are usually stored as XML files. For components that have libraries, it is usually easier to move data with the libraries instead of with ModelBuilder.
  5. LoadBuilder (see Using LoadBuilder to Assign Loading Data): LoadBuilder is used to convert spatial demand/load data from a variety of source files into nodal load/demand values.
  6. TRex (see Applying Elevation Data with TRex): Terrain extraction is used to convert a variety of digital elevation data into nodal elevation data.
  7. Flex Table to Shapefile (see Viewing and Editing Data in FlexTables): From within a flex table, it is possible to create a shapefile for that type of element.
  8. Time series field data: This is used to import field observations of element properties into the model for comparison with model results, especially in graphs. Copy/paste can be used as part of creation of time series field data.
  9. Import/Export EPANET (see Importing and Exporting EPANET Files):This is used to move model data to or from EPANET. Because EPANET does not support as many features and properties as Bentley models, some data are lost.
  10. Import model data base: This is used to create a new model from a WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, or Hammer *.wtg.sqlite file. It differs from submodel import in that is creates a new hydraulic model instead of appending the model to an existing model.
  11. DXF export (see Exporting a DXF File): This creates a dxf file of the model which can be opened in CAD software like MicroStation.)
  12. Hyperlinks (see Hyperlinks): These are used to attach external files (e.g. doc, jpg) to model elements.
  13. Background layers (see Using Background Layers): These are used in the stand alone version to display a variety of raster and vector images behind the model. In other platforms, the display of background layers is controlled by the platform specific native software functions.
  14. Copy images to clipboard: To move an image from the model to the clipboard for use in other applications (e.g. Word. PowerPoint), click on the dialog/image to get focus, select Alt-PrtSreen. Then paste from clipboard.
  15. Exporting Graphs and Profiles (see Graphs and Using Profiles): Graphs and profiles created with the model can be exported to a variety of formats including BMP, JPG, PNG, and GIF from the Chart Options dialog.
  16. Shared tables (see Viewing and Editing Data in FlexTables): Shared tables are used to store the format of flex tables so that they can be used by other models. These are stored in C:\Users\<User Directory>\AppData\Local\Bentley\<Product Name>\24. Highlight the flex table, right click, and select Duplicate > As shared flex table.