WaterCAD 2024 Help

Controls Editor - Toolbar

  • New – Create a new control.
  • Delete [Del] – Delete selected control(s).
  • Duplicate – Create a full copy of the selected control(s).
  • Copy [Ctrl + C] – Copy data from selected cells to the clipboard. Click the dropdown to “Copy” just the data, or “Copy With Headers” to copy the data with column headers.
  • Paste [Ctrl + V] - Paste data from the clipboard into the table starting at the focus cell.
    Note: When pasting data, press [Esc] to hide the edit control so it won’t interfere.
    Note: When pasting data, some non-editable cells can be assigned values. For example, you can copy the Element ID from one row to another to assign the Element.
  • Edit Composite – Create/edit composite conditions or actions for the current control. Click the dropdown to edit the “If” Condition, “Then” Action, or “Else” Action. The “If” Condition will be edited by default if you click the toolbar button directly.
  • Control Sets – Opens the Control Sets Editor Dialog to edit the active status of controls. Click the drop-down to open the Add/Remove Control Sets dialog to manage control sets.
    Note: Select one or more rows to open the control sets editor on a subset of controls. Otherwise, it will open on all controls shown in the table.
  • Zoom – Zoom to the elements referenced by the selected control(s). Click the dropdown to zoom to the “If” Condition, “Then” Action, or the “Else” Action element.
    Note: Zoom will locate multiple elements if multiple rows are selected, or if the control reference a composite condition/action.
    Note: Zoom only applies if the control (condition/action) references an element.
    Note: The default behavior when zooming to a control is based on “Then” action element(s). Default zoom applies when clicking the zoom toolbar button directly, or when double-clicking a row in the row header area.

    Tip: Click in the row header area (to set focus to a row) and hit [Enter] to zoom to that row.

  • Find – Search for cells in the table that contain a word or phrase.
  • Columns – Show/Hide sets of columns to reduce clutter. Click the dropdown to toggle groups of columns on/off by category.
  • Wizard – Easily create pump on/off controls based on tank water levels.
  • Import Controls – Import controls from a text file.
  • Export Controls – Export all controls to a text file.
  • Help – Opens this help topic.