WaterCAD 2024 Help

Verification Summary

If you try to calculate a network using invalid Darwin Designer settings, the Designer Data Verification Summary displays. This dialog box means that there are some invalid settings in your run that prevent Darwin Designer from calculating your solution.

If the Designer Engine Error Message opens

  • Do your groups reference elements that are inactive in your Representative Scenario? Check the scenario you are using. Make sure your scenario uses only active pipes.
  • Does your design run have an Active Design Event? It should.
  • Do you have active design groups that are assigned to valid design option tables? You need at least one active design group that corresponds to a design option table.
  • Is it possible that elements have been deleted from the model from another client application? If so, close Darwin Designer and re-open it. Darwin Designer will update itself based on the latest GEMS model, deleting any references to deleted elements.