WaterCAD 2024 Help

Options Dialog Box - Engine Tab

This tab contains engine settings. You can set the number of parallel fire flow and/or criticality calculations in this tab.

The Engine tab contains the following controls:

Parallel Fire Flow Calculations (Threads)

The number of threads listed will be based on the machine's available threads.

Virtual (e.g. hyperthreading) threads will be included in the counts. Note that in some cases choosing a higher number may not be faster (in the case of hyperthreading), so it is best to do timings to see what works best.

Parallel Criticality Calculations (Threads)

The number of threads listed will be based on the machine's available threads.

Virtual (e.g. hyperthreading) threads will be included in the counts. Note that in some cases choosing a higher number may not be faster (in the case of hyperthreading), so it is best to do timings to see what works best.