WaterCAD 2024 Help

Controls Editor - Columns

The columns in the Controls Editor table are grouped into four sections: Common, If Condition, Then Action, and Else Action (each section is delimited by a thick divider line).

Common Columns

  • In Active Control Set column - Indicates if the control is in the active control set (the control set associated with the active scenario).
    Note: The active status shown in the In Active Control Set column cannot be edited directly. Select the desired row(s) and right-click Edit Control Sets to quickly update the status using the Control Sets Editor Dialog.
    Note: Hover the mouse over the In Active Control Set column to see which Control Set is active (the active Control Set is the one associated with the active Scenario).
  • Control Type column – There are two types of controls Simple and Logical. Refer to the Controls topic for more information.
  • Priority column – Allows you to specify a priority (to specify which controls takes precedence when there are conflicting actions). Priority only applies to Logical controls. Refer to the Controls topic for more information.
  • Notes column – Allows you to specify a custom note for any controls. The notes column is located at the rightmost edge of the table.

If Condition Columns

These condition columns allow you to define when something should happen.
  • If Composite column – Indicates whether the condition is a regular condition, or a composition condition (an advanced condition that uses AND/OR logic).
    Note: The cells to the right of the If Condition column will show blank for controls that have composite conditions. Use the Edit Composite tool to edit composite conditions.
  • If column - Shows the word "If" for controls that have a regular condition. Shows a summary of the condition for controls that have a composite condition.
  • If Type column - Conditions can be based on Element criteria (e.g., tank level), or System criteria (e.g., clock time).
  • If Element ID column – This column only applies for element-based conditions. Shows the id of the selected element once you specify the If Element.
    Note: You can copy an Element ID from one row and paste it to another row.
  • If Element column - This column only applies for element-based conditions. Use the [...] button to interactively select an element from the drawing.
  • If Setting column - Shows a drop-down with choices applicable to the condition you are defining (e.g., Tank Level for a Tank condition, or Clock Time for a System condition).
  • If Operator column – The comparison operator for the condition you are defining.
  • If Value column – The comparison value for the condition you are defining.
    Note: The If/Then/Else Value fields each row can contain a different type of value (e.g., a Tank Level, a Pips Status, a Clock Time, etc). The list of choices that appear in the drop-down for a particular row will vary (e.g., if the setting represents a Pipe Status, then Open and Closed will appear).

Then Action Columns

These action columns allow you to define what happens when the condition is met.

  • Then Composite column – Indicates whether the action is a regular action, or a composition action (an advanced action that performs multiple actions).
    Note: The cells to the right of the Then Composite column will show blank for controls that have composite actions. Use the Edit Composite tool to edit composite actions.
  • Then column - Shows the word "Then" for controls that have a regular condition. Shows a summary of the action for controls that have a composite action.
  • Then Element Type column - Shows the type of the selected element (once you specify the Then Element).
  • Then Element ID column - Shows the type of the selected element (once you specify the Then Element).
    Note: You can copy an Element ID from one row and paste it to another row to make it reference the same Then Element.
  • Then Element column – The element you would like to perform an action on. Use the [...] button to interactively select an element from the drawing.
  • Then Setting column - Shows a drop-down list of appropriate choices based on the selected Then Element.
  • Then Value column - The change you would like to make for the action you are defining.
    Note: The If/Then/Else Value fields each contain a variety of types of values depending on the row (e.g., a Tank Level, a Pips Status, a Clock Time, etc). The list of choices that appear in the drop-down for a particular row will vary (e.g., if the setting represents a Pipe Status, then Open and Closed will appear).

Else Action Columns

These columns optionally allow you to define what happens when the condition is not met. The Else Action columns are comparable to the Then Action columns defined above.