Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Manual Skeletonization

If you click the Manual Skeletonization button, the Manual Skeletonization Review dialog box opens. The manual skeletonization review dialog box lists the proposed skeletonization actions for the particular skeletonization process selected. The contents of the action list window (to the left of the buttons) will vary depending on the type of operation being run. For Smart Pipe Removal and Branch Collapsing, each Skelebrator action will have one pipe associated with it, whereas Series and Parallel Pipe Merging will have two pipes associated with each action. For Smart Pipe Removal, when network integrity is enforced, the contents of the action list are updated, after every executed action, to reflect only valid actions, after each action is performed.

  • Go To—Select an element in the element window and click Go To to jump to the element in WaterGEMS CONNECT. WaterGEMS CONNECT displays the element at the level of zoom you selected in the Zoom drop-down list.
  • Next—Click Next to preview the next element in the Manual Skeletonization Review dialog box.
  • Previous—Click Previous to preview the previous element to the one you have selected in the Manual Skeletonization Review dialog box.
  • Protect—Click Protect to protect the selected element. Protected elements cannot be deleted from the network by skeletonization. In a Series or Parallel Pipe Merging operation, protecting one pipe in an action will mean that the action will not be able to be executed. The remaining un-protected pipe will not be skeletonized during this skeletonization level; however, it is not precluded from subsequent skeletonization levels unless it also is protected.
  • Execute—Click Execute to run Skelebrator only for the selected Skelebrator action. In the case of Smart Pipe Removal and Branch Collapsing, the associated pipe will be removed from the model and associated loads redistributed as specified. Additionally, for branch collapsing, one junction will be removed. For Series Pipe Merging, two pipes and one junction will be removed, associated loads redistributed as specified and an equivalent pipe added as a replacement, if the option is selected. Otherwise, the properties of the dominant pipe will be used to create a new pipe. For Parallel Pipe Merging, one pipe will be removed and the remaining pipe will be updated to the hydraulic equivalent, if you selected hydraulic equivalency.
  • Auto Next?—Select this check box if you wish for Skelebrator to immediately advance to the next pipe element in the action list. This is the equivalent of clicking Execute then clicking Next immediately afterwards.
  • Close—Click Close to exit the Manual Skeletonization Review dialog box. Any remaining actions listed will not be executed.
  • Zoom—Select a Zoom at which you want to display elements you preview using Go To, Previous, and Next.