Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Junction Conditions and Tolerances

You can set selective parameters that determine which junctions are included in Branch Collapsing, Parallel Pipe Merging and Series Pipe Merging operations. Click Add to activate.

Attribute—Select the Attribute that you want to use to determine which junctions to trim. These include:

  • Base Flow
  • Elevation
  • Emitter Coefficient.

Operator—Select an operator that defines the relationship between the attribute you select and the value you select for that attribute. For example, if you select an attribute of Base Demand, an operator of Less Than, and a value of 50 gpm, any pipes with end nodes with a base demand less than 50 gpm are valid for skeletonization.

Value—The label, units, and appropriate value range depend on the attribute you select.

Junction tolerances are only evaluated against junctions. For example, if two series pipes are to be merged but their common node is a pump, any defined junction tolerance is evaluated based on the two end nodes only.

Where only one junction exists, as may be the case when allowing skeletonization of TCVs, tolerance conditions are not evaluated and do not limit the scope of the skeletonization.