Precast/Prestressed Girder Help

Moment and Shear Provisions Tab

In order to change or select the options for computing moments and shears, click on the Project Parameters button on the Analysis tab screen and select the Moment and Shear Provisions tab to activate the appropriate screen, the screen is shown below:

  • Moment Method:

    Select either the option of computing moment capacity CHBDC equation method (reference S6.1-06) or by Strain Compatibility method. By default the of computing moment capacity will be activated. The algorithm used in Precast/Prestressed Girder for computing moment capacity by Strain Compatibility method is described in the Moment Capacity by Strain Compatibility topic. If the Consider Bottom Tension Steel Contribution option is included, and you specify bottom rebar (below half the beam height) on the Beam tab on the Rebar/Rebars in Beam dialog box, the moment capacity is increased by computed amount.

  • Horizontal Shear Method:

    Precast/Prestressed Girder can compute horizontal shear without the effect of beam and slab as an alternative option.

    By default the Include Beam and Slab Contribution in Vu options will be selected in order to have backward compatibility with the files generated with older version of Precast/Prestressed Girder. Click on the Exclude Beam and Slab Contribution from Vu option to exclude the effect of beam and slab from the horizontal shear acting on the section. When a user chooses to exclude Beam and Slab effects, Precast/Prestressed Girder removes the following while computing horizontal shear:

    1. Shear due to self-weight of the precast beam
    2. Shear due to self-weight of the deck
    3. Shear due to diaphragm, if there is any, in the precast beam
    4. Shear due to dead load on precast beam

    By default Precast/Prestressed Girder considers the top flange width of precast section to be the effective flange width in contact, however, by checking the User Input Interface Width bvi option you can manually enter a value to override the program default. You can also specify which criteria to consider for the auto design of Horizontal Shear design steel either intentionally roughened or smooth.

Multipliers Tab

To review or modify the length and deflection multipliers, click the Multipliers tab on the Design Parameters screen as shown below.

Deflection Multipliers

As specified in the PCI Design Handbook, long-term deflections for a prestressed beam are obtained by multiplying short-term deflections with specified factors. Precast/Prestressed Girder follows this same approach. Refer to the PCI Design Handbook for a list of such factors for different loads.

Length Multipliers Length multipliers are used to calculate the development length and transfer lengths for bonded and debonded strands, where bonded strands are strands that have no debonding (not shielded).
Transfer - Bonded The calculated transfer length is multiplied by this number to obtain the transfer length for bonded strands.
Transfer - Debonded The calculated transfer length is multiplied by this number to obtain the transfer length for debonded strands.
Development - Bonded The calculated development length is multiplied by this number to obtain the development length for bonded strands.
Development - Debonded The calculated development length is multiplied by this number to obtain the development length for debonded strands.