Precast/Prestressed Girder Help

Dead Loads

The permanent or dead loads acting on the bridge are modeled either as dead load of cast-in-place and all non-structural elements, D_CIP, or dead load of wearing surface, D_WS, or dead load of factory produced components, D_FPC. Dead loads on precast can be modeled only as Line or Point Loads; however, dead loads on composite can be modeled as Line, Point, and Area loads. In the case where you specify an area load and a width over which this load applies, Precast/Prestressed Girder multiplies the two together and analyzes it as a line load acting on the continuous beam model, as discussed in the previous section. The resulting moments and shears are then distributed to each beam using the dead load distribution/tributary fraction factors.

Figure Tributary Width for Topping Weight

  Load Type CHBDC Class Distribution to Girder
Non-Composite Loads Self weight of girder D_FPC Computed by program.
Non-Composite Loads Self weight of Haunch+Slab D_CIP Calculated by program based on tributary width of slab.
Non-Composite Loads Dead load on Precast D_CIP, D_FPC, D_WS User input per girder.
Non-Composite Loads Diaphragm loads


User input per girder.
Composite Loads Dead load on composite D_CIP, D_FPC, D_WS User input for bridge, auto-distributed to girder based on tributary width fraction.