ContextCapture User Guide


Fix the current reference 3D model with retouches.

Retouches consist of modifying tiles including geometry and/or texture which are used to replace the automatically generated model by ContextCapture .

To perform retouches, you must:

  1. Produce tiles in any format (preferably OBJ for retouching).
  2. Apply tile corrections with ContextCapture Touchup Tools or with some third-party software (Refer to Retouching).
  3. Import retouched tiles (if done in third party tool).

Two levels of retouching are possible:

  • Geometry: the retouched model replaces the geometry of the reference 3D model (texture of the retouched model is ignored). The texture of the reference 3D model will be re-processed in further productions whereas geometry will be preserved.
  • Texture and geometry: the retouched model becomes the reference 3D model, including texture and geometry. Texture and geometry will be kept as is in further productions.