Bentley Descartes 2023

Edit Feature Parameters

Used to edit the parameters of a selected parametric element or feature. Editing of features is supported by edit feature dialogs, displaying the parameters that can be edited for the feature that was selected.

You can access this tool from:
  • Right-click menu of an applied feature
The parameters correspond to the tool settings for the tool used to create the feature:
Parametric element Dialog Parameters/Settings to edit
Slab Edit Slab Length, Width, Height
Cylinder Edit Cylinder Radius, Height
Sphere Edit Sphere Radius
Cone Edit Cone Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Top Radius, Base Radius, Height
Elliptical Cone Edit Elliptical Cone Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Top Primary Radius, Top Secondary Radius, Base Primary Radius, Base Secondary Radius, Height
Torus Edit Torus Primary Radius, Secondary Radius, Sweep Angle
Linear Solid or Extruded Solid/Surface Edit Extrude Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Distance, Thickness, Scale, Angle
Extruded Along Solid/Surface Edit Extrude Along Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Thickness, Alignment, Scale, Spin, Lock Profile Rotation, Allow Self-Intersection
Revolved Solid/Surface Edit Revolve Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Angle, Thickness
Feature Dialog Parameters/Settings to edit
Cut Edit Cut Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Cut Method, Cut Direction, Cut Mode, Cut Depth
Fillet Edit Fillet Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Radius, Select Tangent Edges
Chamfer Edit Chamfer Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Method, Length, Select Tangent Edges
Hole Edit Hole Feature Varies depending on the Hole Type and Drill attributes
Protrusion Edit Protrusion Feature Direction
Shell Edit Thin Shell Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Shell Thickness, Shell Outward
Swept edge Edit Sweep Edge Feature Mode
Tapered face Edit Taper Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Draft Angle, Add Smooth Faces
Spin face Edit Spin Face Feature Color, Transparency, Material, Name, Angle
Note: If an element has all of its edges and vertices rounded or chamfered, you cannot select it graphically as there are no edges to select. To modify the element’s parameters, you must either expose one or more edges by disabling the appropriate type of feature.